Manuscripts 2025:

  1. Akinseye A, Pylypjuk C, Moddemann D, Afifi J, Banihani R, Aziz K, Wang D, Seshia M; Canadian Neonatal Network, Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network under the Umbrella of Canadian Preterm Birth Network. Maternal Diabetes and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Infants Born Before 29 Weeks’ Gestation. J Pediatr. 2025 Jan;276:114319. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2024.114319. Epub 2024 Sep 19. PMID: 39306321
  2. Lipp R, Beltempo M, Lodha A, Weisz D, McKanna J, Matthews I, Ricci MF, Hicks M, Benlamri A, Mukerji A, Alvaro R, Ng E, Luu TM, Shah PS, Abou Mehrem A; Canadian Neonatal Network, Canadian Preterm Birth Network, and Canadian Neonatal Follow Up Network Investigators. Noninvasive Respiratory Support or Intubation during Stabilization after Birth and Neonatal and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Infants Born Preterm at 23-25 Weeks of Gestation. J Pediatr. 2025 Jan;276:114270. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2024.114270. Epub 2024 Aug 31. PMID: 39218207

Manuscripts 2024:

  1. Garfinkle J, Khairy M, Simard MN, Wong J, Shah PS, Luu TM, Beltempo M; Canadian Neonatal Network and Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network Investigators. Corrected Age at Bayley Assessment and Developmental Delay in Extreme Preterms. Pediatrics. 2024 Jan 1;153(2): e2023063654. doi:10.1542/peds.2023-063654. PMID: 38186292.
  2. Gurram Venkata SKR, Lodha A, Hicks M, Jain A, Lapointe A, Makary H, Kanungo J, Lee KS, Ye X, Shah PS, Soraisham AS; Canadian Neonatal Network and Canadian Neonatal Follow Up Network; Canadian Neonatal Network and Canadian Neonatal Follow Up NetworkTM Neurodevelopmental outcomes of preterm neonates receiving rescue inhaled nitric oxide in the first week of age: a cohort study. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2024 Feb 19;109(2):211-216. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2023-325418.PMID: 37890983
  3. Zhou Q, Ong M, Ye XY, Ting JY, Shah PS, Synnes A, Luu TM, Lee S; Canadian Neonatal Network & Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network Investigators. Long-Term Neurodevelopmental Impairment among Very Preterm Infants with Sepsis, Meningitis, and Intraventricular Hemorrhage. Neonatology. 2024;121(1):65-73.

Manuscripts 2023:

  1. Melamed N, Weitzner O, Church P, Banihani R, Barrett J, Yang J, Wong J, Piedboeuf B, Shah PS; Canadian Neonatal Network (CNN); Canadian Preterm Birth Network (CPTBN); Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network (CNFUN) Investigators. Neonatal and Early Childhood Outcomes of Twin and Singleton Infants Born Preterm. J Pediatr. 2023 Nov;262:113377.
  2. Zhou Q, Kelly E, Luu TM, Ye XY, Ting J, Shah PS, Lee SK Fungal infection and neurodevelopmental outcomes at 18-30 months in preterm infants..Front Pediatr.2023 Apr 20;11:1145252. doi:10.3389/fped.2023.1145252. eCollection 2023. PMID: 37152326
  3. Solis-Garcia G, Raghuram K, Augustine S, Ricci MF, St-Hilaire M, Louis D, Makary H, Yang J, Shah PS. Hyperbilirubinemia Among Infants Born Preterm: Peak Levels and Association with Neurodevelopmental Outcomes. J Pediatr. 2023 Aug;25 9:113458. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2023.113458. Epub 2023 May 11. PMID: 37172811
  4. Bando N, Fenton TR, Yang J, Ly L, Luu TM, Unger S, O’Connor DL, Shah PS; Canadian Neonatal Network and Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network Investigators. Association of Postnatal Growth Changes and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Preterm Neonates of <29 Weeks’ Gestation. J Pediatr. 2023 May;2 56:63-69. e2. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2022.11.039. Epub 2022 Dec 9. PMID: 36509160

Manuscripts 2022:

  1. Chevallier M, Debillon T, Darlow BA, Synnes AR, Pierrat V, Hurrion E, Yang J, Ego A, Ancel PY, Lui K, Shah PS, Luu TM; Australian and New Zealand Neonatal Network (ANZNN); Canadian Neonatal Network (CNN); Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network (CNFUN); Etude Epidémiologique sur les Petits Ages Gestationnels (EPIPAGE-2) Investigators. Mortality and significant neurosensory impairment in preterm infants: an international comparison. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2022 May;107(3):317-323.
  2. Ghotra S, Feeny D, Barr R, Yang J, Saigal S, Vincer M, Afifi J, Shah PS, Lee SK, Synnes AR; Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network Investigators; Canadian Neonatal Network Site Investigators. Parent-reported health status of preterm survivors in a Canadian cohort. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2022 Jan;107(1):87-93.
  3. Synnes AR, Petrie J, Grunau RE, Church P, Kelly E, Moddemann D, Ye X, Lee SK, O’Brien K; Canadian Neonatal Network Investigators; Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network Investigators. Family integrated care: very preterm neurodevelopmental outcomes at 18 months. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2022 Jan;107(1):76-81.
  4. Doucette SM, Kelly EN, Church PT, Lee S, Shah V; Canadian Neonatal Network (CNN) Investigators and CNFUN Investigators and Steering Committee. Association of inotrope use with neurodevelopmental outcomes in infants <29 weeks gestation: a retrospective cohort study. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2022 Dec;35(25):6044-6052.

Manuscripts 2021:

  1. Albaghli F, Church P, Ballantyne M, Girardi A, Synnes A. Neonatal Follow-up Programs in Canada: A National Survey. Paediatrics and Child Health. 2021 Feb;26(1):e46-e51.: 1-6.
  2. Zozaya C, Shah J, Pierro A, Zani A, Synnes A, Lee S, Shah PS; Canadian Neonatal Network (CNN) and the Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network (CNFUN) Investigators. Neurodevelopmental and growth outcomes of extremely preterm infants with necrotizing enterocolitis or spontaneous intestinal perforation. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 Feb;56(2):309-316.

Manuscripts 2020:

  1. Grass B, Ye XY, Kelly E, Synnes A, Lee S. Association between Transport Risk Index of Physiologic Stability in Extremely Premature Infants and Mortality or Neurodevelopmental Impairment at 18 to 24 Months. J Pediatr. 2020 Sep;224:51-56.e5. PMID: 32442448.
  2. Zozaya C, Shah J, Pierro A, Zani A, Synnes A, Lee S, Shah PS; Canadian Neonatal Network and the Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network Investigators. Neurodevelopmental and Growth Outcomes of Extremely Preterm Infants with Necrotizing Enterocolitis or Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation. J Pediatr Surg. 2020 May; S0022-3468(20)30326-2. PMID: 32553453.
  3. Shafey A, Bashir RA, Shah P, Synnes A, Yang J, Kelly EN; Canadian Neonatal Network and Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network Investigators Outcomes and resource usage of infants born at ≤ 25 weeks gestation in Canada. Paediatr Child Health. 2020 Jun;25(4):207-215.

Manuscripts 2019:

  1. Lodha A, Entz R, Synnes A, Creighton D, Yusuf K, Lapointe A, Yang J, Shah PS; investigators of the Canadian Neonatal Network (CNN) and the Canadian Neonatal Follow-up Network (CNFUN). Early caffeine administration and neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants. Pediatrics. 2019 Jan;143(1). 
  2. Fischer N, Soraisham A, Shah PS, Synnes A, Rabi Y, Singhal N, Ting JY, Creighton D, Dewey D, Ballantyne M, Lodha A; Canadian Neonatal Network™ (CNN); Canadian Neonatal Follow-up Network (CNFUN); Investigators. Extensive cardiopulmonary resuscitation of preterm neonates at birth and mortality and developmental outcomes. Resuscitation. 2019 Feb;135:57-65. 
  3. Ediger K, Hasan SU, Synnes A, Shah J, Creighton D, Isayama T, Shah PS, Lodha A; Canadian Neonatal Network; Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network. Maternal smoking and neurodevelopmental outcomes in infants <29 weeks gestation: a multicenter cohort study. J Perinatol. 2019 Apr 17. doi: 10.1038/s41372-019-0356-3. [Epub ahead of print].
  4. Shafey A, Bashir RA, Shah PS, Synnes A, Kelly E , Canadian Neonatal Network and Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network Investigators. Outcomes and resource usage of infants born at ≤ 25 weeks gestation in Canada. Accepted to Paediatrics & Child Health. Feb 7, 2019.
  5. Synnes A, Gillone J, Majnemer A, Lodha A, Creighton D, Moddemann D, Shah PS; Canadian and Neonatal Network; Canadian and Neonatal Follow-up Network. Preterm children with suspected cerebral palsy at 19 months corrected age in the Canadian neonatal follow-up network. Early Hum Dev. 2019 Sep;136:7-13. 
  6. Morgan-Feir M, Abbott A, Synnes A, Creighton D, Pillay T, Zwicker JG, on behalf of the Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network. Comparing Standardized and Parent-Reported Motor Outcomes of Extremely Preterm Infants. Children (Basel). 2019 Aug 1;6(8). pii: E90.
  7. Albaghli F, Church P, Ballantyne M, Girardi A, Synnes A. Neonatal follow-up programs in Canada: A national survey. Paediatr Child Health. 2019 Nov 29;26(1):e46-e51. 

Manuscripts 2018:

  1. Shah P, McDonald S, Barrett J, Synnes A, Robson K, Foster J, Pasquier JC, Joseph KS Piedboeuf B, Lacaze-Masmonteil T, O’Brien K, Shivananda S, Chaillet N, Pechlivanoglou P, for the Canadian Preterm Birth Network Investigators. The Canadian Preterm Birth Network: a study protocol for improving outcomes for preterm infants and their families. doi: 10.9778/cmajo.20170128 CMAJO January 18, 2018 vol. 6 no. 1 E44-E49.
  2. Amer R, Moddemann D, Seshia M, Alvaro R, Synnes A, Lee KS, Lee SK, Shah PS; Canadian Neonatal Network and Canadian Neonatal Follow-up Network Investigators. Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Infants Born at <29 Weeks of Gestation Admitted to Canadian Neonatal Intensive Care Units Based on Location of Birth. J Pediatr. 2018 May;196:31-37.e1.
  3. Haslam MD, Lisonkova S, Creighton D, Church P ,Yang J, Shah PS, Joseph KS, and Synnes A; Canadian Neonatal Network and the Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network. Severe Neurodevelopmental Impairment in Neonates Born Preterm: Impact of Varying Definitions in a Canadian Cohort. J Pediatr. 2018 Jun;197:75-81.
  4. Ting JY, Synnes AR, Lee SK, Shah PS  Canadian Neonatal Network and Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network. Association of admission temperature and death or adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in extremely low-gestational age neonates. J Perinatol. 2018 Jul;38(7):844-849.
  5. Ting JY, Synnes A, Roberts A, Deshpandey AC, Dow K, Yang J, Lee KS, Lee SK, Shah PS; Canadian  Neonatal Network and Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network. Association of Antibiotic Utilization and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes among Extremely Low Gestational Age Neonates without Proven Sepsis or Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Am J Perinatol. 2018 Aug;35(10):972-978.
  6. Kelly EN, Shah VS, Levenbach J, Vincer M, DaSilva O, Shah PS; Canadian Neonatal Network and Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network Investigators. Inhaled and systemic steroid exposure and neurodevelopmental outcome of preterm neonates. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med.2018 Oct;31(20):2665-2672.
  7. Stockley EL, Ting JY, Kingdom JC, McDonald SD, Barrett JF, Synnes AR, Monterrosa L, Shah PS; Canadian Neonatal Network; Canadian Neonatal Follow-up Network; Canadian Preterm Birth Network Investigators. Intrapartum magnesium sulfate is associated with neuroprotection in growth-restricted fetuses. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Dec;219(6):606.e1-606.e8. 
  8. Iwami H, Isayama T, Lodha A, Canning R, Abou Mehrem A, Lee SK, Synnes A, Shah PS; Canadian Neonatal Network and Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network Investigators. Outcomes after Neonatal Seizures in Infants Less Than 29 Weeks’ Gestation: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Am J Perinatol. 2018 Jul 17. doi: 10.1055/s-0038-1667107. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:30016820.
  9. Nassel D, Chartrand C, Doré-Bergeron MJ, Lefebvre F, Ballantyne M, Van Overmeire B, Luu TM; Canadian Neonatal Network and the Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network.Very Preterm Infants with Technological Dependence at Home: Impact on Resource Use and Family. Neonatology. 2019 Mar 25;115(4):363-370. 

Manuscripts 2017:

  1. Isayama T, Lee SK, Yang J, Lee D, Daspal S, Dunn M, Shah PS; Canadian Neonatal Network and Canadian Neonatal Follow -Up Network Investigators. Revisiting the Definition of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: Effect of Changing Panoply of Respiratory Support for Preterm Neonates. JAMA Pediatr. 2017 Mar 1;171(3):271-279.
  2. Asztalos E, Church PT, Riley P, Fajardo C, Shah PS, Canadian Neonatal Network and Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network investigators.  Neonatal factors associated with a good neurodevelopmental outcome in the very preterm infant. Am J Perinatol. 2017 Mar;34(4):388-396.
  3. Asztalos E, Church PT, Riley P, Fajardo C, Shah PS, Canadian Neonatal Network and Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network investigators.  Association between Primary Caregiver Education and Cognitive and Language Development of Preterm Neonates.Am J Perinatol. 2017 Mar;34(4):364-371.
  4. Synnes A, Luu TM, Moddemann D, Church P, Lee D, Vincer M, Ballantyne M, Majnemer A, Creighton D, Yang J, Sauve R, Saigal S, Shah P, Lee S, CNN, CNFUN. Determinants of developmental outcomes in a very preterm Canadian cohort. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2017 May;102(3):F235-F234.
  5. Raghuram K, Yang J, Church PT, Cieslak Z, Synnes A, Mukerji A, Shah PS, CNN and CNFUN. Canadian Neonatal Network and Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network Investigators. Head growth trajectory and neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm neonates.  Pediatrics. 2017 Jul;140(1) pii: e20170216. doi: 10.1542/peds.2017-0216.
  6. Soraisham AS, Rabi Y, Lodha AK, Shah PS, Synnes A, Yang J, Singhal N, CNN, CNFUN Neurodevelopmental outcomes of preterm infants resuscitated with different oxygen concentration at birth. J Perinatol, 2017 Oct;37(10):1141-1147. 

Manuscripts 2016:

  1. Morin J, Luu TM, Superstein R, Ospina LH, Lefebvre F, Simard MN, Shah V, Shah PS, Kelly EN; Canadian Neonatal Network and the Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network Investigators. Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Following Bevacizumab Injections for Retinopathy of Prematurity. Pediatrics 2016 Apr;137(4) pii: e20153218. doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-3218.